
‘Living Wallet’ aims to save you money by crawling away [Video]

There’s finally good news for the irrational spender who can’t get any sort of control over his or her finances.

Have you ever wished your wallet would just run away from you when you have the urge to spend money? There’s now a wallet that does precisely this, as it crawls away from you when you try to grab it, and even screams when you get a hold of it.

The Living Wallet does what it can to protect your finances from your horrible spending habits, and will go so far as emailing your mother if you’re spending irrationally. When grabbed during “Save Mode,” it will scream bloody murder.

The Living Wallet does more than just keep you from spending money, as it’s tied to an app that tracks your finances. When you’re ready to spend some money, the Living Wallet goes into “Consume Mode”