
The brutal Japanese TV show [video]

Kimono v komodo: Woman with a slab of meat tied to her has to outrun giant lizard in bizarre Japanese TV show. It is an adept killing machine, bigger than a man with a deadly bite. But one brave woman tied a slab of meat to her and outran a Komodo Dragon as part of a daring television sketch.

Ayako Imoto, an adventurer and Japanese celebrity took part in the stunt in Japan. The prankster performed the challenge wearing a traditional Japanese kimono.

In the video she is seen limbering up before having a piece of rope tied to her with raw meat at the end. As the Komodo Dragon lumbers towards her she crouches and then gets ready to run.

As the animal suddenly darts forward towards the meat, she sprints off. But the giant lizard speeds after her as she runs over the dusty terrain. She runs towards the camera crew who quickly scatter. But help is at hand as they have people standing by to deter the hungry animal by pushing it with wooden poles, although it is questionable how effective this would be if the animal decided to attack.

Ayako Imoto pulled the same stunt a few years earlier while wearing a school uniform, which is undoubtedly easier to pull off in comparison to her latest outfit. She has a wildlife segment on Japanese television and is known for her daredevil antics.

She travels around the world and carries out daring antics such as wrestling alligators, handling deadly predators and racing cheetahs.
Komodo dragons are the largest lizards in the world, move at 15 miles an hour and can scent their prey from miles away.

At more than nine feet long and weighing up to 100kg the Dragon relies on its hulk and brute strength when out hunting. It also injects a dose of poison into its victims before ripping them to pieces with razor-sharp teeth and a 'can-opener' bite technique. On the five small Eastern Indonesian islands it is found, the lizards can kill animals far larger than themselves, including water buffalo, pigs and Timor deer.