
Man Hasn’t Washed For 60 Years

TEHRAN – Amoo Hadji (80) from Iran goes through life without washing or shaving himself – ever. The last time Hadji splashed water in his face was 60 years ago, making him the smelliest man in Iran.

The man’s skin turned gray overtime as pores clogged up with dust and dirt, giving his hands and feet a eerie petrified look.
Viral Nova describes Hadji as “a character from ‘Lord of the Rings’ with his long beard and scaly skin”. His body odor is carried by the wind and people can smell him from a distance.
Besides not washing himself or combing his hair and beard for the past 60 years, Hadji hasn’t brushed his teeth for that long a time either.
Hadji lives in the village of Dezhgah and leads a primitive existence. His only ‘precious’ possession is a steel pipe that he smokes regularly. He stuffs his pipe not with tobacco but with manure… .

Sometimes, Hadjii can be seen smoking cigarettes that passersby or villagers give to him. But you’ll never see him smoking one cigarette at a time. Instead, he puffs on five cigarettes at once to mimic the strong taste of manure he has gotten so accustomed to.