
World's largest family: 1 husband, 39 wives, 94 children and 33 Grandchildren [video]

Meet Ziona Chana. He has 39 wives, 94 children and 33 grandchildren. NewsFeed wonders if he remembers all their names.

This fairly unorthodox family lives in the Baktwang village in the Indian state of Mizoram.

And while Chana says he’s “blessed” to have his 39 wives, they nevertheless sleep in large communal dormitories, in the 100-room, four story house, while he has a double bed all to himself.

But we couldn’t possibly leave the sleeping arrangements there. The youngest women sleep nearest to Chana’s bedroom, and there’s a rotation system in place for the lucky lady who stops by her husband’s bedroom.

As for the family, oldest wife Zathiangi (to ask her age would just be rude), sure runs a tight ship, as she’s tasked with making sure her fellow wives (is that even the right term? This is one just big bowl of awk-ward) carry out the household chores such as cleaning, washing and the preparing of meals. And speaking of food, one evening meal can involve the plucking of 30 chickens, peeling of over 100 lbs of potatoes and boiling up to 200 lbs of rice.