
Structures Discovered On Moons Surface (March 2014) [video]

These are some real baffling structures in appearance. They were found by Bluebeard2011 of Youtube so please subscribe to him. He makes some amazing discoveries. The detail on some of these structures is amazing, but if we trust Google ruler they are only about 130 meters long...however the crosses are about 6 meters in one part of the photo and 99 meters in another part of the photo, so take it with a grain of salt. Just copy and past the coordinates (3°53'18.47"S 17°34'20.73"W) above into the google search box, and remember Google map is free to download.

These are some of the white ceramic-like structures I have told you about many times. Look at the first screenshot I post and you will see these are massive structures. You can see they are 3 dimensional objects on the surface of the moon. I have seen them before, but not made from the white material, instead they were black metallic. Also notice the sharp ridges (photo below) protruding from the structures...that is evidence these are 100% real alien structures since I have found those sharp ridges on thousand of other structures.
 What looks like crosses is really massive ships made from this white material. The are portable, movable and oddly placed. However some are different in shape.

After many hours of reviewing Apollo 14 I started scanning the area around it, and then I found the truth as to what they were looking for as what I have found is the smoking gun evidence of why Apollo 14 was sent to this region absolute proof of life on the moon.
