
Death Valley's Living Stones Caught on Camera

70 Year Mystery Solved: Death Valley’s Moving Stones
On a dried-up lake bed in Death Valley are dozens of rocks that have puzzled us for decades. The rocks have each left a dusty trail, evidence of some unknown force propelling them forward. Scientists have now finally observed the rocks moving and settled on an explanation: Thin ice and a gentle breeze.

Speculation about the origin of these sailing stones has ranged from hurricane-force winds to slippery algae films. In contrast, the rocks are actually being pushed around by delicate sheets of ice skating on sand, a solution that's just gentle and non-grandiose enough to be true. The idea doesn't come out of the blue; back in 2011, a scientist published his ice raft model after experimenting with sand in a Tupperware container.

What is really remarkable is that in a study published today in PLOS ONE, scientists observed the rocks actually moving for the first time. The whole experiment actually started four years ago, when a team of scientists—including our aforementioned Tupperware experimenter—set up cameras and actually GPS-tracked rocks on the dried lakebed of Racetrack Playa. They had no idea if the cameras and GPS would actually capture anything.

Then in December 2013, a perfect storm of ice and wind set hundreds of rocks sliding along the lakebed. The researchers observed the cracking of a thin layer of ice that had formed on Racetrack Playa. A light but steady wind then pushed the ice pieces around, where they would accumulate behind rocks and push them forward. The rocks traveled as much as 200 feet and as fast as 10 mph. For the first time, this was all captured on camera.

If you were dared to eat food off that floor – would you?

Let me count the ways in which this stunt by KBS+ Toronto’s for Bissell Symphony All-in-one hard floor cleaner is also a perfect classic ad. An underground station platform. A man in a suit plugs in the Bissell, cleans one tile, then uses it as a plate for his takeaway dinner.

Ok, so it turns out the video was filmed at Bay Lower Station, which was closed off to the public a long time ago and is used now for training and filming movies, TV episodes and commercials. So, the stunt is staged, however dirty the platform is.

Israel’s Short-Range Missile Defence System In Action!

Israel’s Short-Range Missile Defence System In Action! – 15 Rockets Intercepted At Once By Israel’s Iron Dome!

Qassam rockets keep flying into Israel, and the Iron Dome keeps intercepting them before they can land. Watch as 15 rockets get intercepted at the same time!

Alien Craft Being Transported On Public Highway in England [Aug 2014]

This saucer craft was seen this week on the highway in Cornwall. The shape and size are perfect for being a crashed UFO or even a new military disk. This is amazing footing and I only wish the person continued to follow them so that we can see where they were going. Perhaps a military base nearby.

Amazing Wedding Dresses Ever

Isn’t a wedding dress supposed to be the one dress that all little girls dream of, their entire lives? Well, we’re not sure if a wedding dress entirely made from condoms would be something a little girl would grow up dreaming of. These wedding dresses prove that every bride is different and special in their own way. Ladies and gents, here are the world’s most bizarre wedding dresses…

This is a wedding dress made entirely of condoms and was specially designed for the Condom Fashion Show in Beijing, China.

War time is not an excuse for not having a wedding party anymore, with this camouflage dress designed by the artist Erika Sarkozi.

This wasn’t a real wedding; actually it was part of a reality show from the British TV where few of the competitors have to stand in full view almost naked in the middle of the city downtown. A very good idea for some of us who don’t want to waste time after the wedding night and go straight to the point.

Be careful not to stand next to anything flammable if you want to wear this paper frock.

Baker Valentyn Shtefano and his bride Viktoriya show off her wedding gown, which Shtefano made out of flour, eggs, sugar and caramel, in the western Ukrainian city.

The dress — made of 1,500 cream puffs and weighing 20 pounds — took the 28-year-old baker two months to make, and by the end of the wedding reception, bride Viktoriya said she didn’t want to take it off.

This lovely bridal gown is absolutely charming. Or should that be Charmin? Far from being a pricelessdesignernumber, the dress is made entirely from toilet paper, tape and glue. Its maker, Ann Kagawa Lee of Honolulu, Hawaii, took inspiration from the film “Gone With the Wind” and Japanese Origami.

Yve St Laurent designed a wedding dress based on the Russian matryoshka nesting dolls, the dress is crocheted and looks a little …odd?

Chantal Coady and Ian Stuart of Ian Stuart Brides had been talking about creating a chocolate wedding dress for years, and Chocolate Week 2008 seemed the perfect opportunity to combine Ian’s distinctive style and Rococo’s creative approach to chocolate.

For the bride who likes to kill two birds with one stone. By artist Lukka Sigurdardottir.

For the bride who wants to celebrate herself.

Cupcake Wedding Gown….For the bride who knows she’ll need a snack.

For the bride who loved Up and hates pointy objects. Balloon Wedding dress.

Flower covered wedding dress. For the bride who doesn’t have any allergies.

Newspaper Wedding Dress. For the bride who likes to know what’s going on in the world.

Bread Tag Wedding Dress.

Wedding Dress Made Out of Wool from One of the Bride’s Sheep.

Lightbulb Wedding Dress.

Another Balloon Dress

Peacock Feather Dress

Potato Sack Dress?

The boy with the biggest hands ever On Earth

Eight-year-old Kaleem’s hands weigh eight kilograms each and measure 13 inches from the base of his palm to the end of his middle finger.
The cricket fan is unable to do many basic tasks – including tying his shoelaces – and has been bullied and shunned most of his life.

He said: “I do not go to school because the teacher says other kids are scared of my hands. Many of them used to bully me for my deformity. They would say ‘let’s beat up the kid with the large hands. Some of them have actually beaten me and would go after me often.”

He added: “I find it difficult to put on my clothes, button my shirt and pull up my pants. But I don’t know if I want doctors to operate on my hands. They would have to make me unconscious and then they would cut me open. I have no problem if they could do it without an injection. A small operation would be okay.”

His parents, who earn just £15 a month, have been desperately trying to find help for their son – but to no avail.

His mother Haleema, 27, said she knew he was different at birth but was powerless to help.

“When Kaleem was born his hand was twice the size of a normal baby’s,” she said.

“His hands were big and his fingers were long. Initially his fists were small but they began to grow large as well and his fingers also kept growing.”

His father, Shamim, 45, who works as a labourer, is worried his son will never be independent and blames himself for not earning enough money.

“He has difficulty feeding himself because his fist does not bend properly – so we have to feed him,” said Shamin, whose other children do not suffer from the same condition. Using two fingers he is able to pick up some things like a glass of water to drink. We want to take him to the hospital but there have been times when money has been so low that my wife has been forced to go begging. In that kind of financial situation, getting treatment for Kaleem was difficult.”

The couple have only just been able to take their boy to a local doctor for an assessment but their hopes of an instant cure were dashed.

Giant Rat at New York subway station

The rodent is seen charging in dramatic footage taken by SoHo man Josiah Ryan from the platform at 42nd St. station at Bryant Park in Midtown late Friday night.
An angry rat has been caught on camera trying to attack a straphanger at a New York subway stop.

Dramatic footage filmed by SoHo man Josiah Ryan shows the aggressive rodent charging down the platform at 42nd St. station at Bryant Park in Midtown late Friday night.

It then jumps up, causing him to scream out: "Ah! Oh s--t!"
"Oh my God, man, got it all on video, too," Ryan is heard saying off-camera.

The editor for told PIX11 News he was "a football field away, minding my own business" when he spotted the rat. It then attempted to attack after he pulled out his cellphone and started filming.

Are women really attracted to money?

“Get The Hell Away From My Car You Stupid Little Prick” – Beware Of Gold Diggers – Vitaly Is Back Unearthing The True Intentions Of Women One At A Time!
Are women really attracted to money? According to this footage, that’s all they need to see and they’ll do anything you ask, unless of course, that Lambo ain’t yours!

Clever Bird Uses Bread as Fishing Bait

Give a bird a fish and it will eat for a day. Teach a bird to fish and we're all doomed.

World’s First Public Toilet for Dogs

Spanish town introduces a public toilet for dogs that works just like a human convenience. 
A small town in Spain has come up with a new way of dealing with dog waste – a canine public toilet. Located along a busy thoroughfare in El Vendrell, northeastern Spain, the stainless steel contraption consists of two sections placed side by side – a doggy potty and a doggy urinal.

The potty is a raised steel platform with a covered hole. Dog owners need to lift the lid for their pets to defecate, and later press a handle to flush.

Jets of water are released, which carry the excrement through underground pipes into the sewer system. Right next to the potty is the urinal – also a raised platform with small holes over which dogs can squat. The public toilet is the brainchild of dog-lover Enric Girona, who has spent over ten years observing and photographing dogs. Through his work, he recognized the need for a toilet for dogs, so he set about creating one himself. “Over the years, I’ve seen that if you train and raise dogs well, these animals can be just like humans,” he explained.

Girona invented several variants of the toilet, modifying each one as he learned more and more about dog behavior. The present version of the urinal, for example, doesn’t clean itself perfectly when flushing, because need to pick the odor so they are lured to the toilet. He also had the location in mind while designing these toilets, so they’d naturally blend into surroundings like parks and other public places. “You can’t have something that clashes with the setting,” he pointed out. “The design was done with the concept of being attractive.”

Russian man orders ducks to attention, marches them into barn. You won’t believe how they react!

It’s an everyday problem we all face. Trying to get all our ducks in a row! These ducks just happen to speak Russian!

Farmer serenades his cattle with his trombone - Farmer Plays Lorde's "Royals" On Trombone

Video of fish smoking CIGARETTE sparks fury among animal lovers

The Surfing Pig

One Of The Fattest Kids In The World

180 bananas, 8kgs of potatoes and 14kgs of rice a week ... and STILL hungry: Meet the nine-year-old girl with an insatiable appetite who weighs the same as a Great Dane

Standing at just 3ft 5ins, and tipping the scales at a flabbergasting 14st 5lbs (203lbs), this child weighs five times more than she should.

Meet nine-year-old Suman Khatun - one of the fattest kids in the world. Captured on film, Suman is roughly the same weight as two Kylie Minogues, a Great Dane, or former England rugby player Jonny Wilkinson.

In one week, Suman, from West Bengal, India, munches her way through an incredible 14kgs of rice, 8kgs of potatoes, 8kgs of fish and about 180 bananas.

The shocking video also shows her gorging on her favourite Bengali sweets and cream cakes, dwarfing her classroom peers and seemingly struggling to get out of bed.

All my friends are thin, but I am fat,' says young Suman disconsolately. 'I have problems in standing, sitting, sleeping, playing and running with my friends.'

Her parents claim they are powerless to prevent her stomach-defying eating habits. 'I am very concerned about her future, as my other kids are normal,' says mum Beli Bibi. 'It's painful,' she adds.

They have requested the help of the local doctor to manage her weight, who says: 'We think she has hyperthyroidism, but she needs to be examined. 'If it's not controlled, she might get diabetes or heart diseases.'

Top 10 Crazy Non-Lethal Weapons

Over the last few hundred years, humans as a whole have gradually become much less harsh and violent in the way we deal with problems. So, when you consider that necessity is the mother of invention, it’s not surprising that humans have also come up with much more gentle methods of subduing people. While they still might sting, the following gadgets are sure to safely stop anyone in their way.
Arma 100

Commonly used for home defense and law enforcement, the Arma 100 is a simple yet effective projectile launcher. Legal all throughout the United States, the Arma 100 is a great substitute for a more common household handgun or shotgun.

Little more than a handheld air gun, the weapon uses single-shot gas cartridges for propulsion and is super easy to use. Provided the user can aim at least a little, the Arma 100 can be used effectively from up to 6 meters (20 ft) away. When a bean bag projectile hits a target in a vulnerable spot—such as the stomach or head—the target will be incapacitated for a time. At the very least, a shot or two should easily scare away even the bravest of criminals. Though the Arma 100 is simple, it still packs quite the punch and is a great non-lethal weapon overall.

JPX Jet Protector

Similar to a personal stun gun, jet protectors are another non-lethal means of stopping an opponent. Rather than electrocuting someone, however, jet protectors fire OC irritant at the attacker, quickly disabling them.

Taking the general shape of a pistol, the JPX Jet Protector has a dual-barrel design that allows it to simultaneously fire two doses of irritant at a staggering 430 kilometers per hour (267 mph). Not bad considering it’s launching a liquid, not a bullet. Another nice feature of the JPX Jet Protector is its range. Reaching much farther than a handheld taser or stun gun, the JPX Jet Protector can be used effectively at up to 6.5 meters (21 ft), as long as the user has some kind of training. All in all, though it costs a few hundred dollars more than some alternatives, the JPX Jet Protector is still a reliable non-lethal weapon.

Tactical Pens

The only melee weapons on this list, tactical pens are simple weapons designed to be used against a nearby assailant. Based on self-defense sticks such as the Kubotan, tactical pens are generally fitted with a spiky metal or plastic tip, along with a blunt side on the other end. Oh yeah, and they are fully functional pens, too.

While they might not seem too dangerous, they are certainly able to inflict a large amount of pain with just a few strikes. In fact, as long as you hit a nerve point or patch of soft tissue hard enough, it’s possible to cause as much as temporary paralysis. If that’s not enough, a hard, well-placed strike will also break bones, especially if it strikes against bare skin. While they might not look like much, tactical pens can certainly do some serious damage.

Sticky Foam Gun

While the sticky foam gun is technically not a lethal weapon, it has only been used a few times due to its not-so-safe tendencies. Originally designed in the mid-90s, it has since only been used in the US intervention in Somalia (albeit, with a multitude of problems).

The underlying concept of the sticky foam gun was fairly simple. Using a backpack tank filled with highly pressurized chemical foam connected to a nozzle the operator could aim, the liquid foam was shot at the target. Once it came into contact with anything solid, it stuck fast and hardened very quickly, entrapping the target.

Unfortunately for the target though, the chemical foam could easily do more than just immobilize them. In fact, if it got onto the face, the target could easily suffocate. Not exactly the result you want from a non-lethal weapon. Another problem with the sticky foam was that while it was great at sticking to things, it was absolutely horrible at coming back off. At best, it could take several hours to fully decontaminate a victim. Though it was an interesting idea and showed some promise, the sticky foam gun had a few too many problems. In the end, it was probably destined to fade away into obscurity as just one of many failed weapons.


Codename for a still-secret project being developed by the US Army, the XM1063 is a non-lethal artillery shell designed to suppress enemy personnel. Although many details are classified, some things have been confirmed.

According to the military fact sheets, the XM1063 will take the form of an everyday artillery shell and will be fired from a typical 155mm howitzer. Upon being fired, the shell releases 152 smaller packages. As the packages float down, they spray an unnamed chemical compound over the ground below.

Although the military still hasn’t confirmed exactly what the payload will be, there are a few possibilities. The most likely is a crowd control agent such as tear gas, a malodorant, or a new, unreleased chemical. Whatever the specific details turn out be, the XM1063 is destined to be an interesting force on the battlefield.


The only light-related weapon on this list, the PHaSR is a non-lethal laser gun designed for use by both the military and law enforcement. Taking the shape of an ordinary rifle, albeit with a more futuristic look, the PHaSR is a completely self-contained system that fires two non-lethal laser wavelengths into the eyes of the target. Provided the target gets a good look, their eyes become temporarily blinded and their bodies disabled.

Because lasers can do permanent damage, the developers of the PHaSR are incorporating a few different safety features. One of these is an eye-safe laser range finder. In prior projects involving blinding lasers, targets were often subjected to overly ineffective or powerful lasers. This was often due to the different ranges between the weapon and target. With the range finder, however, the weapon will be able to calculate the maximum safe laser energy to use. With its awesome-sounding name and ability, the PHaSR truly is one of the better non-lethal weapons out there.


For anyone following the civil unrest in Turkey, there’s a good chance that you’re already familiar with this special weapon, even though you may not know its name. The Turkish TOMA, or “Toplumsal Olaylara Mudahale Araci,” is an armored vehicle mounted with a high-powered water cannon. While blasting people with water isn’t a new idea, the TOMA brings the concept to a whole new level.

The massive 5-ton TOMA can hold up to 10,000 liters (2,200 gal) of water. The water can then be fired in a variety of different pulses, controlled by an operator inside the vehicle. The water can easily knock down and tear the clothes off of anyone in its path (as the above video demonstrates).

The TOMA takes great care to protect its operators. For example, should rioters get too close, the vehicle can spray tear gas around itself. This easily stops any nearby protesters. The vehicle also comes with its own Positive Cabin Pressurization System to keep all that tear gas outside. With its hulking demeanor, the TOMA is one of the meanest riot control vehicles of all time.

Stingball Grenades

The only explosive device on this list, stingball grenades have been used extensively in both prisons and crowd control. Although they may sound quite dangerous, their design has several key features to limit lethality.

The most important aspect of a stingball grenade is that, unlike regular grenades, stingballs are made almost entirely of rubber. This ensures that shrapnel and the over 100 rubber pellets inside can’t do any permanent damage. The rubber impact is still very painful, however, and can cause horrible bruises.

If that isn’t bad enough, most stingball grenades also detonate with a flash of about 6 million candelas and a bang of 180 decibels. To put that in perspective, a fire alarm strobe light only emits around 75 candelas, and 180 decibels mark the beginning of the death of hearing tissue. In short, while stingball grenades aren’t lethal, they should still never be messed with.

Taser Shockwave

Simply put, the “Shockwave” is a fancy name for a series of taser cartridges that have been wired together. Each unit consists of six cartridges, each of which fires two probes at different angles. If 12 simultaneous shots aren’t enough, then the units can be stacked together to form a wall of disabling tasers. Typically, the units are deployed however the user wants. Shockwave units can be mounted onto the grilles of Humvees and similar vehicles.

With the rare ability to disable targets en masse, the Shockwave is expected to be used in a variety of situations. The main ones would be to stop suicide bombers from entering restricted zones and to disable entire sides of a crowd. No matter its use though, the Shockwave is a surefire way to keep people away.

The Thunder Generator

The “Thunder Generator” was originally developed by Israeli farmers to scare away crop-eating birds. However, it has now grown to become a viable weapon against humans.

In good conditions, the Thunder Generator can hurl a series of super-short shockwaves up to 100 meters (328 ft) away. In general, these shockwaves serve to only knock down and stun individuals. Any closer than 10 meters (33 ft), however, and the waves can result in permanent damage or death.

To generate the 2,000 meters-per-second (6,560 ft/s) shockwaves, a highly combustible mixture of petroleum, air, and cooking gas is detonated. As the resulting waves of energy bounce around through the barrel, their force grows exponentially. Together, this produces a quick series of waves, each of which lasts a mere 300 milliseconds. With all of these benefits, it shouldn’t be hard to see why the Thunder Generator is the pinnacle of non-lethal weapons.