Fantastic Street Techno Drummer

This Fantastic Street Techno Drummer Will Make You Feel Like Dancing Dario Rossi is a street performer and a very talented drummer. It's hard to believe he's just using scraps of metal, old pots and pans and a plastic bucket to make music. He creates a beat that makes an adorable little girl feel like dancing and causes everyone around to stop and stare in sheer amazement. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ......

You’ve Never Seen This Side Of Russia, And It’s Just Great

People Being Super Nice To Each Other Caught On Dashcam! Being polite goes a long way, and in Russia, you will likely receive a thank you filled with love and sincerity. Watch how these Russians react when a driver let’s them cross the street or change lanes. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

This Scooter Turns Into A Belt

Have you ever wished that you could turn your razor scooter into a belt? Well, it looks like your prayers have been answered. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Amazing Base-Jumping Little Bird

In what promises to be one of the most talked-about moments in the new landmark series, a group of Barnacle Goslings are forced to embark on a death-defying plunge within hours of being born This is the moment of truth. The moment Barnacle Geese youngsters have to leap 400 feet down a rocky cliff in Greenland to join their parents and start the rest of their lives. Make the wrong kind of jump and you will be smashed on the rocks. Get it right......

Kung Fu Crazy Time

Two Martial Arts Experts Put On This Insane Spear Dodging Performance Without Getting Stabbed! Any normal person would have had their neck and head stabbed about 40 times during this performance, but these two pulled it off flawlessly. Obviously they won Gold in whatever competition this is. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Extreme wheelbarrowing

Did You Think Scooters Got In Your Way At The Skatepark? This Will Be Worse! – Extreme Wheelbarrowing Is The Next Big Sport That Hasn’t Caught On Yet! At first this seems like a dumb idea, but a few more videos like this and we will all be hoping to get a tricked out wheel barrow for christmas. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Manly Job Of The Day

Watching Excavators Carve Massive Blocks Of Marble From A Mountain In Italy Is Weirdly Mesmerising! Italian artist and filmmaker Yuri Ancarani captures the otherworldly landscape of a marble quarry in the Apuan Alps, Northwest Italy, as Il Capo (The Chief) guides his men through the extraction process. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ......

A "stripped down version" of the wolf was killed in Russia

Russian hunters shot in the steppe that's such a terrible Chupacabra. It is striking that with such a defect wolf lived to be this age. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

The Internet Has Finally Turned The Beatles Into A Meme

The Beatles have finally become a meme and it's everything you hoped it would be and more. Listen or download We Will Rock You for free on Pleer Listen or download Don’t Stop Me Now for free on Pleer Listen or download Bohemian Rhapsody for free on Pleer Listen or download We Are The Champions for free on Pleer Listen or download Beatles......

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