
Giant Rats The Size Of Cats

Are there really giant rats the size of cats living in some parts of the United States? Yes, it is true. In fact, some of these giant rats are actually the size of small dogs. The monster rat in the picture at the top of this article was killed by a maintenance worker at a housing project in Brooklyn, New York.

The rat was measured to be more than 3 feet long and the maintenance worker killed it by spearing it with a pitchfork. Could you imagine a rat of that size crawling around in your basement? Unfortunately, reports of giant rats the size of cats are becoming increasingly common and they are coming in from all over the world. So where are all of these giant rats coming from? Well, many believe that these are actually Gambian pouched rats. Before they were banned, a lot of people would import them into the United States as pets. Others believe that there are other explanations for the origin of these bizarre rodents. Wherever they are coming from, they sure are creepy and they appear to be spreading.

For example, the photo below is of a monster rat that was discovered at a Foot Locker in the Bronx. Let us all hope that we never find anything like this in our own homes....