Sid loves food

Sid The Potentially Stoned And Super Chill Beagle Loves His Food, But Not Eating It, Just Holding It In His Mouth For A Little While! Sid is an adorable little beagle who has recently taken the Internet by storm thanks to his penchant for patiently holding food in his mouth. From enormous slices of pizza to frozen waffles, Sid is happy to sit and chill with any variety of foodstuffs between his teeth. Sid even has his own Instagram, where you......

The most Fast Drone in the world

Check Out This Ridiculously Fast And Badass Custom Built Quadcopter Drone Tear The Skies A New One! We need to get these things built for human size asap, and make cars a thing of the past. Everyday we would be experiencing the wildest roller coaster ride ever! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Women Crossing Roads In Russia

The Compilation Of Women Crossing Roads In Russia Is A Lot More Entertaining Than It Sounds! Russian dogs are better at crossing roads than women. Don’t call me sexist, I have video evidence! This compilation is surprisingly entertaining! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Meanwhile In Saudi Arabia…

Idiot Nearly Kills His Friend By Shooting His AK47 At Him As A Joke, And Finds It F**ken Hilarious! These guys entertain themselves in their own way out there in the desert. When you’ve got all the oil money in the world, even every supercar on the planet can seem tame. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Woman Shows A Trick

                              You won't be able to take your eyes off this girl's amazing party trick (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

“Mom of the Year” Beats Son On TV For Trying To Riot

Angry Mother Beats On And Publicly Shames Her Balaclava Wearing Teenage Son For Rioting In Baltimore! Great Parenting: Mom Finds Out You’re Rioting in Baltimore, and Beats You on National TV “Mom of the Year” This mother didn’t take kindly to her son participating in the Baltimore protests and riots. The angry Baltimore mother recognised her masked son throwing rocks at police on television. That didn’t sit well with her. This video shows her......

Fingerboarding Buddies Build A Huge Concrete Fingerboard Park

Then Proceed Drink Beer And To Shred It! These dedicated fingerboarders built their own massive 4 metres long concrete skate park, complete with watermelon painted bowl. This is at a secret location somewhere Czech Republic, so you’ll have to build your own! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Chernobyl fox makes five-decker sandwich

A fox in Chernobyl has made a large sandwich using cold meats and bread fed to him by a radio crew in the area. The fox appears unafraid of humans, presumably because they are so rarely seen in the nuclear exclusion zone. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Hail The Size Of Grapefruit Blast Storm Chasers Windscreen in Texas

Guess It’s True What They Say About Everything Being Bigger! Massive hail pummels these chaser’s car near Stephenville, Texas. The grapefruit size hail busted their windshield with ease! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Neighbors from hell

Woman Pushes Disabled Man Over On His Scooter, Then Nearly Runs Over Him In A Car! Apparently this is an everyday occurrence with these neighbours. Watch as these two have a screaming match for all the neighbours to see. What would you do with neighbours like these? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Amazing Freerunning in Bangkok's Ghost Tower

Dudes Who Aren’t Afraid Of Falling To Their Death Freerun The Ghost Tower, An Abandoned Building In Bangkok! A midst the impressive skyline that towers above the little street stalls and busy streets of Bangkok you will find one that stands out. This 50-storey skyscraper has been abandoned mid-construction since the economic crash in the 90s and has been dubbed by the locals as Ghost Tower. Sounds like the ideal place for freerunning! (adsbygoogle......

Alligator Bite at Spring Crawfish Festival

Alligator Bites The Arm Of A Dude Trying To Impress Party Goers, Somehow Walks Away Without Losing A Limb! A couple of dudes where putting on an alligator wrestling show at the Spring Crawfish Festival, when the alligator lunged at the guy sneaky up from behind, and clamped onto his arm, giving the man a few solid shakes. Humans may be smarter then reptiles, but our jaws aren’t lethal weapons. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle ||......

Urban Exploration Adventures

Skateboarders Find Secret Routes To Explore The Sepulveda Dam In Los Angeles! Watch as these guys take a precarious path to climb to the very top of the Sepulveda Dam in LA. Do you want to see more of this type of thing? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Aliens Create Giant Smoke Running Man To Warn Humans To Run Away From Erupting Volcano [April 2015]

When this volcano erupted this week, it broke a 50 years silence and in doing so it also created a massive free standing humanoid figure. You also see some UFO lights near it, or in it sometimes. At first I only saw the face, but in the other photos you can easily make out the shoulders, arms, legs, knees, back and buttocks. How was this object formed? Alien technology is so advanced for some species that they can change the shape of land,......

Death Metal Howler Monkey

National Geographic Program On The Death Metal Howler Monkey Proves That Even Primates Want Us To Open Up The Pit! The Howler Monkey is the most death metal of all the animals, don’t let anyone tell you different. If I heard this in the jungle, I wouldn’t know whether to run for for my life, or open up this damm pit! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Meanwhile In A Snowy Norwegian Forest…

Fredrik Sorlie And His Sexy Co-Pilot Show Us How Scandinavians Spend Their Winter, Sideways! Fredrik Sørlie returns in his Underground Garage Cressida JZX30 for some proper winter rallying on an snowy special stage – deep in the Norwegian forest. As all rally drivers need pacenotes, let us introduce the beautiful model and professional rally co-driver, Caroline Eng. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Skydivers Jump Out Of Planes And Burn Their Parachutes

Skydivers Jump Out Of Planes And Burn Their Parachutes With Flare Guns, Because F**k You Death, What Are You Gonna Do About It? If jumping out of a plane miles above the earth just isn’t enough to get that old adrenal gland going anymore, then this one is for you. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Gilf Of The Day?

Drunk 49 Year Old Grandma Wearing A Bikini Totals Her BMW After A Boozy Day At The Pool With Her 10 Year Old Grandson! Patricia Ebel from Naples, Florida, has made internet history for crashing her BMW while drunk and in a bikini. The story is funny, but it hits a sad note when you learn that her 10-year-old grandson was in the car. That sad note is quickly snuffed out when you learn that the kid was uninjured, as was the grandma and the......

Russia’s Hooligans: Zenit vs. Spartak

Head Stomping Allowed – Russian Soccer Hooligans Get Their Medieval Madness On With A Massive Brawl Between Zenit And Spartak! Russian Premier League games between Spartak Moscow and Zenit St. Petersburg, apart from terrific performances by both sides, are always marked with massive brawls after the game. Plunge into the atmosphere of one of Russia’s biggest rivalries with this professionally filmed and edited fist fight in a forest! (adsbygoogle......

Synthol Man Vs Arm Wrestler !!!!

Weak Synthol Freak With Massive Muscles Takes On An Arm Wrestler! – It Won’t Surprise You Who Wins Every Time! This Brazilian synthol freak tested his strength, or lack there of, against an arm wrestler is considerable less muscle mass. He probably would have been stronger if he drank all that oil in is arms. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Meanwhile At The Happiest Place On Earth…

Some Poor Fool Challenged Beauty And The Beast’s Gaston To A Push Up Contest At Disneyland! The evidence that the people playing characters at theme parks are completely awesome and hilarious continues to mount. Today’s proof comes courtesy of Disney’s Gaston who does not suffer fools lightly. I bet that guy has been going to the gym for years, waiting for the challenge, just to humiliate someone. Give that man a raise! (adsbygoogle......

Meanwhile In Australia…

80 Blokes On Push Bikes, Ride To Multiple Houses, And Consume Over 1,000 Beers – Welcome To The 2015 Le Tour De Fridge! In what has become a yearly tradition. 80 drunk blokes ride their push bikes to several different houses around Ellenbrook in Western Australia, and then consume over 1,000 beers over the course of the day. This ladies and gentlemen, is what they call the ‘Le Tour De Fridge’. Shout out to Zane Peppiatt for the submission.......

Is This The Worst Son In The World?

Grinning Teen Uses Selfie Stick To Film Ratchet Front Yard Brawl Between His Girlfriend And His Mother! What’s the difference between a Selfie Stick and a Tampon String? Nothing. You’re always going to find a c*nt at the other end. The complete lack of respect, education, morals and class it takes to believe that it’s ok for your girlfriend to physically fight your mother, and record it, is mind boggling. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle......

Meanwhile In England… Officers enter booby-trapped drug suspect's house

Cops Raid Drug Dealers House, Ram His ‘Booby Trapped With A Live Electrical Current’ Door Down, Find Cannabis Grow House! Dramatic footage of the moment police in the Black Country broke down the booby-trapped door of a suspected drug dealer. The raid at the house in Windmill Street, Wednesbury, was one of eight warrants executed in dawn searches across the area. Using an enforcer to get into the property, officers were faced with a metal plate......

Girl pees herself on live TV

“I Gotta Pee!” – Girl Getting Interviewed About A Man Who Was Shot, Pisses Herself On Live TV! A reporter is interviewing a girl who seems to be standing awkwardly as she talks about witnessing a man who was shot. The she claims she needs to pee, and does it while still on live TV. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Ultimate Fame Digger Prank

Fame Digger! – Woman Denies Man Asking For Her Number, The Changes Her Tune Once She Think He’s Famous! Are women really attracted to money and fame? That sure seems to be the case with this one girl. Is this chick for real or is this all a setup? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Heavyweight Boxing Champion shows angry driver why road rage is a bad idea

Former Heavyweight Boxing Champion Of The World Evander Holyfield Gets In Road Rage With A Hillbilly For An Awareness Campaign, Footage Goes Viral! The state of Georgia released a great—even if low-budget—public service announcement starring former heavyweight boxing champ Evander Holyfield and a classic white hillbilly character. We can’t really tell if this is funny or racist, but if there is one take-away from this PSA, it’s that Evander......

Russia’s Top MMA Organisation Test New Armoured Knight Fighting

                 Response So Positive They Create ‘M-1 Medieval League’ – Would You Pay To Watch It? We already have plenty of fight nights. So why not some knight fights? M-1 Global initially started running full-contact jousting matches, with “knights” dressed in armor and wielding swords, as filler during MMA events. The response has been so positive that they have committed to featuring more......

Meanwhile In Florida… Gas Station Fight Escalates Quickly

Crazy Old Man Gets In A Wild Petrol Station Fight, Scumbag Opponent Pulls Out A Police Baton And Then A Taser! This guy didn’t give up when he he saw the baton, taser and blood from his own noggin, and that’s what makes him a man. That and a hell of a lot of Bud Ice and/or meth to dull the pain. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Ultimate Drone Save

Aussie Videographer Had To Run Like The Wind, Make Incredible Catch, After His $2000 Drone Ran Out Of Batteries Over The Ocean! Perth videographer Ryan Chatfield was using a remote-controlled drone to film over City Beach last night when the aerial vehicle started to fall from the sky. In an attempt to prevent a costly loss, the 34-year-old ran about 100m along the shore in soft sand before climbing over rocks on the groyne. He managed to......

8-Year-Old Russian girl is ready for the streets

Watch Out Mayweather! – 8-Year-Old Girl Boxing prodigy Shows Off Her Lightning Fast Combinations! This 8-Year-Old Russian girl is ready for the streets of Moscow with her lightning fast punches. She could probably take on the winner of the Mayweather vs Pacquiao fight! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Dude Takes LSD, Pulls University Fire Alarm

            Tries To Attack Students, Police Tase Him And Scare Him With Angry K9 – Worst Trip Ever! UCF has released body camera video of the officer who subdued the man who pulled the UCF Library fire alarm and attempted to attack students. The man has been identified as John Kane, a 21-year-old UCF student. It was later confirmed that he had taken LSD. Police are currently reviewing possible charges for Kane. (adsbygoogle......

Miracle on 6 train today

Potential Mob Boss Shows Us How To Be A Baller, Buys All The Roses Woman Is Selling On The Subway And Tells Her To Give Them All Away! That was the most intimidating way I’ve seen anyone do something really nice. I want to believe he’s in the mafia, trying to atone for something he did the night before. I’d still feel weird taking a flower from a sobbing lady though. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Meanwhile In Russia... Welcome To The Gates Of Hell, Lock Your Doors!

                  This Terrifying Footage Of People Caught Inside A Raging Wildfire Will Haunt Your Dreams! This incredible Russian dash cam footage shows a car driving through a forest fire while the drivers wonder if they are going to die or not. Around the minute 1 mark it looks like they are crossing hell itself. Fortunately they managed to escape alive from this mayhem. (adsbygoogle......

Scary Ghost Subway Prank 2015

Creepy Ghost Scares The Life Out Of Passengers Riding The Subway In Brazil! – These Ladies Won’t Be Sleeping For Weeks! This isn’t any scarier than waking up next to the misses every morning, am I right? This girl is lucky one of the victims doesn’t drop kicked her head off in terror. I wonder how many people dropping dead from seizures and heart attacks had to be edited out? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Bomber Babe 2014 rides Bee-DrifteR

Wife Material! – Smoking Hot Biker Babe Cruises The Streets On A Wild KTM RC8R ‘Bee-DrifteR’! I don’t know what to look at between the babe and the bike, and it seems people on the street had the same problem. So much eye candy I need to go on a diet. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Meanwhile In Brooklyn…

Police Officers Go To The Wrong House To Make Arrest, Accidentally Let Dog Out, Shoot At Dog In Crowded Street! Tensions escalated as police tried to make an arrest in Brooklyn and it was all caught on camera. One police officer even fired a shot. It was a dangerous situation in Brownsville and it quickly got way out of control. People were gathered on the street watching what was happening, and when a dog suddenly got out, an officer fired......

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