Meanwhile In Ukraine… Heroic Act as Father Saves Child

Heroic dad saved his son’s life in Ukraine, pushing him out of the way of a car just in time after he ran into the street, but getting hit himself! This heroic dad saved his own son’s life, but took the brunt of a car himself. Amazingly, they both survived! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

This isn't snow

Fox repeatedly tries to dive into white bed sheets mistaking them for powder snow because there could be a delicious mouse underneath! This is a short video of Juniper the domesticated red fox repeatedly trying to dive into white bed sheets thinking they’re snow and there’s a mouse underneath. They are not snow though, they are bed sheets. Sometimes I dive into bed thinking there’s going to be someone there waiting for me, but there never is. (adsbygoogle......

Helicopter Crash Pearl Harbor

Civilian owned helicopter crash in Pearl Harbor shows the metal bird dropping out of the sky and landing in the water just off shore! Five people were on board the single-engine helicopter, including a 16-year-old boy, who was in critical condition following the crash, according to the Honolulu Emergency Services Department. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Meanwhile In Russia… Best Russian Road 2016

Russians aren’t all cold hearted, check out this brand new 2016 compilation of good deeds caught on Russian dash cams! These Russians are not the crazy road raging people the internet has shown them as, in fact they are the complete opposite. Let’s all enjoy a different side of Mother Russia! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Fearless have-a-go hero destroys armed robber

Dramatic CCTV footage shows fearless ‘have-a-go’ hero grandfather tackle an armed robber pointing a sawn-off shotgun at him – Crook gets arrested and jailed for 11 years! Brave Darren Baker got Stephen Lawrence in a headlock before forcing him to the ground when he tried to rob a shop in Norwich. Mr Baker raced to the Premier Stores shop after his wife Sharon told him there was a man inside wearing a crash helmet with a sawn-off shotgun. Despite......

Baby elephant causes havoc at home

14 month old baby elephant rummages through a house, takes a slash on the floor, then tries to steal a tray of chocolate brownies! A rescued baby elephant named Moyo, makes himself at home in carer Roxy’s house, digging through the tea bags and trying to find a delicious treat in the kitchen! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Whoever threw that paper offical video

Savage substitute teacher demonstrates how to control a class of belligerent students that don’t want to show him any respect! This substitute teacher has the right idea when dealing with the bad kids during class. Watch as he serves a sick burn to whoever threw that goddamn piece of paper! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Dude just trying to enjoy his life

Gets hated on by his girlfriend for putting sweet suicide doors on his car for $5000, cos “she ain’t never satisfied”! This probably isn’t the first time suicide doors has broken up a relationship. This guy is just trying to live his life, but the haters are everywhere trying to bring him down. He manages to stay in good spirits though. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Grandmaster plays trash talking guy in Washington Square Park

The Quiet Ones Are The Dangerous Ones – Undercover Chess Grandmaster Demolishes A Trash Talking Hustler In Washington Square Park, Even After He Tries To Cheat! I’ve got to learn that capture-two-knights-with-one-move tactic. Comeuppance is one of the best genres in sport videos. Sure, the term “sport” might not be traditionally associated with chess, but watching this is just as satisfying as any video you’ll see this year. (adsbygoogle......

Amazing Gangster crab!

Holy sh*t, they’re learning! – A standoff with a knife wielding gangster crab is the best thing you will watch today – Stand back though, he’s got to practice his stabbin! That crab is going places. And when I say places, I mean prison. Crime has really gotten bad in Brazil. I pity this little fella. This is a failure of the public school systems. Needing to go to the hospital for stitches because you got stabbed with a knife by a crab would......

'Venom Man' Lets Deadliest Snakes Bite Him

Amateur scientist injects himself with snake venom to build up a tolerance, takes consecutive bites from two deadly snakes to prove it works! Tim Friede, an amateur scientist, amazingly takes back-to-back bites from a black mamba and a PGN taipan on purpose and claims to be making himself immune from their venom. Tim has self-inflicted more than 160 bites in 16 years of research and is hoping his experiments will help to develop a human vaccine......

Rani Catch A Fish

This Golden Retriever may look like a friendly dog, but she’s a ruthless cold blooded killer with an insanely clever way of catching fish! Some fishermen use a rod and reel to catch fish but this clever dog uses bread to bait her catch of the day. Rani, a service dog in training, is captured on video as she is perched on the edge of the water with bread floating just below her mouth before grabbing a bluegill out of the water in one quick-motion.......

Meanwhile in Iraq...

Iraqi fighter films the explosion and following shockwave of a ISIS car bomb, detonated by gunshots before it could get too close! These soldiers are luckiny to live through another day, as an ISIS suicide car bomber attempted to reach them, but was stopped short with gunfire. Crazy! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......

Meanwhile on the French coast...

“I will just lie here and let nature take its course, this is my life now” – Old couple get swept out to sea and nearly drown by storm fuelled waves on the French coast! This is the terrifying moment two pensioners and the passer-by who tried to save them – nearly met a watery end when they were swept away by strong waves. Luckily they were rescued by another bystander who leapt in after them, and escaped without serious injury despite repeatedly......

One way to piss the cops off is to piss while getting arrested

Alpha thug marks his territory with urine while being arrested by London cops – The height of the stream matches the volume of his voice, may be the best video on the internet! “Give him a shake.” It’s impossible to be intimidating while pissing on your own chin, even if you do say your family is gonna bang them up. He is likely drunk, which would explain why his pee is clear. Its an experiment you too can do at home! (adsbygoogle......

This is the best kind of cop!

Indian policeman does his duty right by stopping busy traffic to help a stray dog cross a busy road! This video shows a dog waiting next to a cop, who is waiting for the right moment to block traffic and let the dog cross over to the other side. What an absolute legend. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({})......


“Damn you Cam Newton!” – And this, Carolina Panthers fans, is why you can’t have nice things – Angry Grandpa freaks out and destroys his television during SuperBowl 50! If you were watching Super Bowl 50 yesterday, you were either stunned by the defensive performance of the Denver Broncos or shocked at how little the Carolina Panthers did on offence. The game didn’t go the way many would expect, especially for this Angry Grandpa who had a pretty......

Meanwhile in India...

Holy sh*t, nobody is safe! – Terrified man fights off a vicious leopard with his binoculars as the animal rampages through a school in India, mauling everybody in its path! This is the dramatic moment a wildlife expert was forced to fight for his life and used a pair of binoculars to defend himself after a large male leopard went on a rampage. Wildlife expert Sanjay Gubbi was one of six people who was mauled by the leopard as he attempted to......

Meanwhile in Pennsylvania… How not to wake up your friends

Cheeky a**hole in a Diesel truck rolls coal directly into his mate’s snoring mouth, probably gives him lung cancer! The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has reclassified diesel exhaust as a ‘definite carcinogen’ – putting it in its highest category (Category 1). In other words, IARC’s expert panel assessed all the available scientific evidence and decided that exposure to diesel exhaust fumes can, and does, cause cancer......

Show must go on!

Don’t watch this if you’re photosensitive or epileptic – Ruthless lip syncing K-Pop girls ignore backup dancer having a strobe light seizure because the show must go on! The K-pop industry is not what I would call “friendly” to the photosensitive viewers out there. Music videos throw around strobe lights like they’ve got an indefinite supply – and maybe they do. Maybe they’ve got warehouses full of nothing but strobe lights. I admit the effect......

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