
Awesome Giant UFO Near Earth (March 2014) [video]

You mind tells you that this is impossible, but it is possible. Such UFOs have been recorded before on radar and yes, on similar scales. Just click here to see a past sighting.

ADGUK News states:
Ok, this image was released by the Brasilia Planetarium recently and seems to show a massive disc shaped object stationed above the Earth. The disc is estimated to be around 3-5 thousand miles in diameter. If you look at the bottom left of the image you can see a cloud formation passing over the top of the anomaly, this indicates that the object is not a projection onto the earth. I have no idea what this object is, i can only speculate at this point. I have contacted the Planetarium for further clarification regarding the slide, and will post an update when I get an answer.

Amazing Installation from a Thousands of mobile phones [video]

 Up close it looks like a mobile phone graveyard, but step back and a bigger picture is revealed
About 7000 smashed, water-damaged and otherwise old and unloved mobile phones have been brought together to raise awareness about the growing mountain of electronic waste Australians are keeping in their homes.

"It was really fun," says Jordan. "We were like dumping boxes of cell phones on the ground and it was like pouring paint onto a canvas." It took Jordan and a dozen year nine students about four hours to construct one phone from thousands of others, the installation attracting scores of interested onlookers who snapped pics with their phones.

Triangle UFO And Ring UFO Caught In Moon [February 15, 2014]

The report sent into MUFON has an amazing triangle UFO that was caught by accident, but there is another UFO...a ring UFO just above the moon. If we go by saying the triangle UFO is blackish, then the ring UFO may actually be a black disk.

I took pictures of the moon from my yard recently when the moon was reported to be close to the earth. When I reviewed the pics I noticed the shape. The tips of the wings look very defined.

Death Cologne Zombie Apocalypse [video]

How to Create a ‘Death Cologne’ So You Can Smell Like a Corpse in Order to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse
The Reactions YouTube channel, which focuses exclusively on chemistry and is produced by the American Chemical Society,
has created a video featuring chemist Raychelle Burks of Doane College in Nebraska explaining how to create a sort of “death cologne” combining cadaverine, putrescine, and methanethiol in order to smell like a corpse to avoid being eaten in the case of a zombie apocalypse.

John Lennon’s UFO doodle auctioned off (March 21, 2014), a symbol of his UFO Sighting Experience in New York City [video]

A doodle of a UFO made by John Lennon in 1974 was auctioned off last week (March 2014) and it went for nearly 10 times more than expected.

The UFO drawing by Lennon fits the description of a UFO he says he saw in New York with his then girlfriend May Pang that same year.It was expected to fetch between £1,000 and £1,500 (around $1600 to $2500), but in the end it went for £10,000 (currently $16,530).

August 23, 1974 - John Lennon reports seeing a UFO in NYC. Lennon's sighting occurred when he was with his personal secretary, May Pang, in New York, at the time when he and Yoko Ono were separated. He refers to the experience on the cover of his album "Walls And Bridges", which was released in 1974, saying that he saw a UFO. May Pang reports in her book, "Loving John"....

"We had just ordered up some pizzas and since it was such a warm evening, we decided to step out on the terrace," recalled Pang. "There were no windows directly facing us from across the street, so John just stepped outside with nothing on, in order to catch a cool breeze that was coming in right off the East River. I remember I was just inside the bedroom getting dressed when John started shouting for me to come out on the terrace.

I yelled back that I would be right there but he kept screaming for me to join him in that instant. As I walked out onto the terrace, my eye caught this large, circular object coming towards us. It was shaped like a flattened cone and on top was a large, brilliant red light, not pulsating as on any of the aircraft we'd see heading for a landing at Newark Airport. When it came a little closer, we could make out a row or circle of white lights that ran around the entire rim of the craft - these were also flashing on and off. There were so many of these lights that it was dazzling to the mind. It was, I estimate, about the size of a Lear jet and it was so close that if we had something to throw at it, we probably would have hit it quite easily."

Eerily the object passed by.

"We often had helicopters flying above us but this was as silent as the night and about seventeen storeys above street level." The object flew off but returned later, by which time she and Lennon had set up a telescope through which they could view it in more detail. "The light was so brilliant coming from the craft that no additional details could be seen. We did take a couple of pictures but they turned out overexposed." They also rang a local newspaper to report the sighting and were told at least seven other people had seen the UFO too.

"We even called the police, that's how excited we were, and they told us to keep calm, that others had seen it too." During what was left of the evening, John kept saying, "I can't believe it... I can't believe it... I've seen a flying saucer!"


A newly captured video brought to you exclusively from the Secureteam, depicts a massive rotating UFO as it flies up close to the ISS (International Space Station). The video was recorded directly off of the ISS Ustream video page by a regular user of the site who regularly watches the streaming live video for daily anomalies and happenings. The footage was recorded on the 17th, and sent to us once the object was identified in the recordings. This is MONUMENTAL in the search for proof of an alien presence.

Amazing Works of Art Under the Sea [video]

The Submarine museum in Cancun is open and waiting for tourists who are lucky enough to be able to enjoy a vacation at sea in Mexico. Lovers of art and diving will really enjoy the exhibit of Mexican statues and swimming in the clear waters with colorful fishes.

The Museo de Arte Subacuatico is located in an area characterized by important ruins of the Mayan civilization. This was created by Jason de Caires Taylor, who has placed about 400 works—many of which represent human beings’ intent in various activities.

There are also cars and furniture, for a project that aims to attract travelers and tourists. The museum also cares for the marine life, since they also provide shelter for many sea creatures that live around the reef.

The Museo de Arte Subacuatico, which populates the between the waters of Isla Mujeres and Punta Nizuc, can be admired even by those who are not at ease with fins, mask and snorkel. Thanks to glass-bottom boats that make trips in the area.

Malaysia Flight 370 Mystery - Was it Aliens?

The mystery behind the missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 is thickening further as there has not been any confirmed sighting of the plane yet.

While the world is waiting for any news of the missing Malaysian jetliner, social media is abuzz with various conspiracy theories on what might have caused the disappearance of the Beijing-bound plane. Ever since the plane went missing, internet world is flooded with assumptions and suggestions to answer the thickening mystery.

Some reports suggest that there might have been a mid-air disintegration of the Malaysian Airlines flight due to mechanical flaws but no debris of the plane have been sighted so far.

There are speculations that the flight might have crash-landed at certain untraceable island and passengers may be still alive, a situation similar to ABC’s super-hit series Lost. Meanwhile, a bizarre theory on the outer space and mid-air alien abduct angle to the lost Boing 777 too has surfaced online. The flight MH370 was flying at more than 35,000 ft when it disappeared in good weather condition fuelling the weird theory of an alien attack and abduction.

The flight has been presumed to have crashed off the Vietnamese coast on Saturday, after losing contact with the air traffic controllers off the eastern Malaysia coast.

Flight MH370 departed from Kuala Lumpur International Airport at 00:41am on Saturday (local time) and was due to arrive in Beijing at 06:30am (local time). Air traffic controllers reportedly lost contact at 01:30am.

As reports of a relative managing to make calls to one of the passengers spread, Malaysia Airlines repeatedly tried to call the same number but the call did not go through this time. As no solid answers have been given by the authorities even days after the ill-fated flight mysteriously vanished, people are thinking of bizarre possibilities, such as an alien abduction.

A Huge cigar-shaped UFO was spotted over Ukraine (March 6th, 2014) [video]

A cigar-shaped UFO was spotted in the sky over Korosten, Ukraine on March 6th, 2014. What do you think it is? Camera effects or is it the real thing?

Wonder Years – Emulation of the aging process

Photographs of 100 year old people, by Czech photographer Jan Langer - in the project ‘Faces of Century’ . “Photographs show portraits of one hundred years old Czechs. Nowadays, there are over 700. In fifty years their number will reach 14,000.

How these people see their life after such a period? The majority of those I approached agree that with advancing age life is faster; until, at last, the life will pass in a moment.

Time is shrinking, as are the faces of the elders. I wondered what changes and what remains on a human face and in a human mind in such a long time, and in such a short while in relative terms. I wondered how much loneliness of the old age weighs, and what memories stay in 100-year-old mind.

This set of comparative photos (of archive portraits from the family album and contemporary portraits from the present time) explores the similarities and the differences in appearance and in physiognomy. The characteristics of personality change throughout life but it seems as if individual nature remains rooted in the abyss of time. The pairs of photographs are accompanied by brief facts from the people’s physical and psychic world.”

Structures Discovered On Moons Surface (March 2014) [video]

These are some real baffling structures in appearance. They were found by Bluebeard2011 of Youtube so please subscribe to him. He makes some amazing discoveries. The detail on some of these structures is amazing, but if we trust Google ruler they are only about 130 meters long...however the crosses are about 6 meters in one part of the photo and 99 meters in another part of the photo, so take it with a grain of salt. Just copy and past the coordinates (3°53'18.47"S 17°34'20.73"W) above into the google search box, and remember Google map is free to download.

These are some of the white ceramic-like structures I have told you about many times. Look at the first screenshot I post and you will see these are massive structures. You can see they are 3 dimensional objects on the surface of the moon. I have seen them before, but not made from the white material, instead they were black metallic. Also notice the sharp ridges (photo below) protruding from the structures...that is evidence these are 100% real alien structures since I have found those sharp ridges on thousand of other structures.
 What looks like crosses is really massive ships made from this white material. The are portable, movable and oddly placed. However some are different in shape.

After many hours of reviewing Apollo 14 I started scanning the area around it, and then I found the truth as to what they were looking for as what I have found is the smoking gun evidence of why Apollo 14 was sent to this region absolute proof of life on the moon.


Table tennis champion plays against fastest robot in the world [video]

The age old battle of man v robot has reared its head once again as table tennis champion Timo Boll prepares to face the world's fastest robot in a duel to the end. German No 1 Boll will face off against a Kuka KR Aglius on March 11 to celebrate the opening of an inaugural Kuka plant in Shanghai. With the belief that it's only a matter of time before the robots rise and replace all humans the German manufacture Kuka is pitting its most agile specimen to the test.

With the engineers of KUKA ( keller und knappich augsburg) and the professional support of table tennis professionals, agilus – the world’s fastest robot – was programmed in order to withstand a match against table tennis champion timo boll, who sits ranked at number 5 in the world. the angles, strategies and probabilities of the match moves were all well elaborated in cooperation with the director, the opponent timo boll and with KUKA. filmed by matthias zentner and produced by velvet mediendesign, the commercial for robot manufacturer KUKA was conceived at the set of an abandoned sport hall in sofia, bulgaria.
Former world No 1 Boll has enjoyed a successful career that has spanned almost two decades and won a Bronze medal with the German team at the 2012 London Olympics.
However, the 32-year-old lost in the last 16 to Adrian Crisan in the individual event.


Giant Face On Taiwan Mountain Near Google UFO Area (March 2, 2014)

This story made it onto Taiwan TV News and Taiwan Yahoo News. Here is a video below of the Yahoo report. Each TV station had a different video of it.


If you go to Google Earth map and copy and paste the coordinates (Longitude: 22°14'22.55"N , Latitude: 120°40'21.90"E) into the location you will find the area...just click on one of the photos and you will see it.

Its important to know that this face is only 11km from the location of the Google Earth UFO I reported just a few weeks ago over the military base in Taiwan..(which was emailed to me from a reader in TW that found it). 11km!
That can't be a coincidence. Also the face is 30-40 km from the location of where the police officer photographed the 8 foot tall alien near a lake in a scolded location.

This sounds to me like there is an alien base here in Taiwan and the base is located directly below the face. About 4-6km below the surface. The face is probably used for them to recognize the area as their base and to represent the species that inhabits it. Scott C. Waring-Taiwan

Cheers to the Revolution: Kiev's Beautiful Molotov Cocktails [video]

Kiev's EuroMaidan protesters used fire to their advantage. With fire, the protesters were able to defend their barricades, extend their lines, and fortify their positions. They were mobilized throughout the city to collect as many bottles as possible, and thousands of Molotov cocktails were used to set fire to tanks, other armored vehicles, and buses. These little bombs were the only real weapon protesters had against the government's well-armed forces. 
